Manage symptoms and take back your quality of life.

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles. This hormone influences a man’s appearance, sexual development, sperm production, sex drive, and much more. When the body’s testosterone levels dip below the normal range (300 to 1,000 ng/dL), low levels can lead to a host of uncomfortable symptoms.

• Low libido and sexual dysfunction
• Impaired fertility
• Loss of muscle mass
• Poor work-out recovery
• Fatigue
• Reduced concentration
• Increased abdominal fat deposition
• Gynecomastia


If left untreated, low testosterone can affect one’s ability to focus at work, lose weight, build muscle, and start a family. It can also increase the risk of depression, affect self-confidence, one’s perception of self-worth, and may even lead to serious, irreversible physical complications, such as low bone mineral density.

If you or your partner are experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, Dr. Lowe can help.

Many signs of testosterone deficiency mimic symptoms of stress. As such, many men don’t realize they have a potentially serious condition and delay seeking treatment. At Lowe Urology in Columbus, Ohio, we offer advanced treatment options that can manage symptoms and allow you to live a happier, healthier lifestyle.
Seeing patients at: OhioHealth Urology Physicians, OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital, Bing Cancer Center

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What causes testosterone deficiency?

Stress commonly impacts a woman’s hormone levels, but the link between stress and a man’s testosterone levels is still a mystery. What we do know is that age plays a part in decreased testosterone levels, as do stress-induced behaviors, such as emotional overeating, excessive alcohol intake, or lack of physical activity can contribute to testosterone deficiency. Those with pre-existing conditions may also be at a higher risk for developing testosterone deficiency.
Testosterone production naturally declines with age, many other conditions and risk factors can cause a man’s testosterone levels to drop below average. A proper diagnosis will allow Dr. Lowe to develop a treatment plan to manage your symptoms.


Risk factors include:
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain medication use
  • Osteoporosis
  • Low sex drive
  • Low activity levels
  • Poor sleep and sleep apnea
  • High cholesterol

How will Dr. Lowe diagnose testosterone deficiency?

Diagnosis begins with a thorough physical examination and medical history review to identify known pre-existing conditions and rule out other possible risk factors. Next, Dr. Lowe will order blood testing to investigate potential underlying causes and determine the exact level of circulating testosterone in your body.


How will Dr. Lowe treat testosterone deficiency?

In some cases, we may be able to stimulate natural testosterone production through behavioral changes, which can also help address fertility issues. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and other stress-reducing activities will help to ensure the best possible treatment results. Dr. Lowe will also discuss other more advanced treatment options, such as:

  • Skin Patches
  • Topical Gels
  • Oral medications
  • Injections
  • Subdermal Pellets (implanted beneath the skin)

With the right treatment, many men begin to experience relief from symptoms in as little as four to six weeks. However, more dramatic changes, such as increased muscle mass, may require several months.

Don’t wait to get the care you need.